The Yard training follows the 4 most basic principles when it comes to programming and training
To achieve all these principles, we have created a system that allows our clients to have more options, but more importantly, apply the correct amount of stress upon the body to achieve a goal, whilst enjoying themselves.
RIG is the main focus of our program, with the strength program built around the 3 major lifts;
All our RIG sessions will perform a strength piece, power piece and a strength endurance piece. Starting off the week is the lower body session, focusing on squatting and hinging, with the middle of the week targeting the upper body, with the focus on pushing and pulling, and finishing off the week with a Deadlift session.
Remember, you can’t have a pretty house without strong foundations.
Monday/ TuesdayÂ
Lower body strength Squatting & hinging)
Wednesday / Thursday
Upper body strength Bench-press, push & pull)
PAY DAY (Mix of both Turf & Rig)
Strength training needs the correct energy systems activated so that you can dramatically improve. The reason we love to use a lot of ergs is it allows us to get our client to a level of fatigue without the risk of injury and joint pain.
TURF has been broken down into 3 main aims
1 - Building energy systems
2 - Interval weight training aimed to increase power
3 – Developing accessory movements
TURF sessions are a mixture of cardiovascular movements (energy system activation) that we change week to week. With this in mind, the mindset behind our TURF sessions is to be working on your ability to sustain physical and mental stamina, for an extended period of time. Having a poor endurance threshold often causes a person to feel tired after performing day-to-day activities. An individual may also have a lack of overall focus and energy throughout the day, so by increasing our endurance and stamina, you will feel more energetic and able to complete day-to-day movements with more confidence.
Our Saturday sessions are built around HARD WORK. With teams, it allows our members to build resilience and at the same time a community.
Our goal is to achieve the best threshold training session that will allow our members to improve their endurance.
At times this type of training can be mentally challenging, so allowing the members to motivate and push each other in a team environment gets the most out of the client and our training program.
A seamless 45 minutes of shaping and toning, with a qualified instructor in a group class.Mat Pilates is the perfect addition to our timetable, and balance for our clients.
Free Creche for all members with a qualified minder.